What is a GUID/UUID?

A GUID (Globally Unique Identifier), also known as UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) is a unique identifier that is generated by software algorithms to ensure uniqueness across different systems and platforms. It is a 128-bit number, typically represented as a sequence of alphanumeric characters e.g. 0a979933-e5b4-4306-a13e-739620b433a7

GUIDs are used in various applications where unique identification is required. They are used in computer programming, databases, and network protocols. GUIDs are designed to be extremely unlikely to collide with other GUIDs generated by different sources.

The uniqueness of a GUID is achieved by combining various factors such as the current timestamp, the computer's unique identifier, and random or pseudo-random numbers. This combination ensures that even if multiple systems generate GUIDs simultaneously, the chances of generating identical GUIDs are incredibly low.

GUIDs have several benefits, including their ability to provide unique identification across different systems, independence from central coordination, and low probability of collisions. These characteristics make them suitable for scenarios where unique identification is crucial, such as database records, and globally distributed systems.

Next: read about the history of GUIDs. Or generate guids for your own use.

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